Kind words

Reviews - 

Midnight.  Union Theatre, 2018
Leon Scott ... is an actor with great stage presence. He is perfectly cast and captures scarily well the cheerful yet dangerous amiability of the archetypal Mephistopheles. There is a sense of intimacy to his thoroughly evil character. He soothes and caresses ... And he sings.
Leon Scott plays The Visitor with just the right amount of charming malice, and it is he who manages to create the tension that overarches the entire piece, keeping the audience engaged.
Leon Scott is an absolute revelation as the Visitor. A baritone as smooth as honey and a manner as devilishly charming as you can imagine, he’s mesmerising and compelling and thus wonderfully dangerous.

Leon Scott’s visitor is enthralling onstage. He has an infectious presence and an irresistible charm, that feels wonderfully dichotomous against the chaos and confusion he leaves in his wake.

it’s Leon Scott, as the Visitor, who steals the show.  Scott is, at times, menacing, and, at others, camp, and his voice is always strong enough to soar above the music. It’s an impressive performance.

Leon Scott as the Visitor is magnetic, and switches from menace to humour with ease

Leon Scott’s Dandini, huge curly moustache and Mr Whippy hair, is a crowd pleaser with great comic timing.
Dandini (Leon Scott), ... heroically controlling his rather wayward moustache ... delights the audience with his joyous silliness.
Equally funny is Leon Scott as Dandini whose interaction with the audience is natural and engaging.

it is Leon Scott who really impresses as Masimo ... He is also the most musically talented ... and is immersed in his comic portrayal ... it is an over-the-top character, but one which takes himself with the utmost seriousness.